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Tesla Model Pi Smartphone Price, Specifications and release date

Asked by : Linda Holsman on 22/12/2021
Response by TechGuy

EV-maker Tesla is going to launch soon a smartphone called Tesla Model Pi. Tesla Model Pi smartphone is rumored to have some eye-catching features.

Tesla Model Pi Features

As of today, there is no specific information available about Tesla Model Pi, and everything is purely based on speculations. According to rumours, the Tesla smartphone will have a 108MP main camera, a 6.5-inch 4K-level screen, a Snapdragon 898 processor and 2TB storage.

Model Pi compatible with Starlink

Multiple sources have reported that Model Pi might feature an antenna that would link it with Starlink which will enable it to work on Mars - that's amazing. There are also claims that it will have access to a download speed of up to 210 Mbps..

Visit gulfnews.com to get more information and see expected phone look

Model Pi will work with Neuralink:

The Model Pi is also rumoured to have a brain-phone interface from Neuralink. The company, controlled by Elon Musk, is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.


Tesla smartphone for Mars?

The Tesla Pi phone is rumoured to be designed to work on Mars. Multiple sources claimed that Model Pi might feature an antenna that would link it with Starlink and this will help it to work on Mars.

Tesla smartphone release date and price

There is no official release date available for Model Pi from Tesla. Earlier this year, there were rumors that Elon Musk would reveal Model Pi by the end of 2021 but that didn't happen. So, most probably the Model Pi will launch in 2022.
Various sources have reported that the expected price of the Tesla smartphone is between $800 and $1200.

Note : Information is collected from various authentic sources, most of them are likely to be true – but this isn't guaranteed.